Cindy Babbin - Adult Victim/Witness Advocate
Kim Westrich - Child Victim/Witness Advocate – Assist juvenile victims
(under the age of 18) in juvenile cases and adult criminal cases.

      • Information about the court process and support throughout any court proceedings.
      • Notice of bail hearings and the outcome of the hearing.
      • Information about victim’s rights.
      • Assistance in applying for victim compensation.
      • Notification of court hearings and sentencing.
      • Support during preparation of testimony for pretrial hearings and trial.
      • Support within the court system on behalf of victims of crime.
      • Referral and information about State and local resources that provide additional services.
      • Assistance determine and requesting restitution.
      • Assistance in information for a Victim Impact Statement.
      • Assistance in applying for Maine Crime Victims' Compensation Fund.
      • Filing notification of release requests with Maine Department of Corrections.
If you are a victim, we will make every attempt to discuss a potential plea agreement with you before the plea is presented to the court.  Your opinions is very important to us, so it is important that you advise this office of any changes in your contact information.  Good communication is always helpful to the process and key to ensuring that we can speak for you in the criminal justice system.

Please be aware that there are times when we may proceed with a plea negotiation even if you do not agree.  You always have the right to address your concerns directly to the judge and the judge may decide not to accept the negotiated plea, asking both parties to continue negotiations or to proceed with trial.