
If you have suffered monetary losses as a direct result of a crime, upon notification of your loss, we will ask the court to order the defendant to pay you back as part of the sentence.  This is called restitution.  Restitution is for any out of pocket loss.  

It is important for those victims who may be entitled to restitution to keep a record of their losses, medical expenses, property damage and counseling expenses, with receipts when possible.  Restitution ordered in criminal cases does not cover pain and suffering.  

Restitution may be ordered by the court at the time of sentencing.  Restitution must be ordered by the court in certain types of crimes.

If restitution is ordered, the defendant will send payments to the either through the Department of Corrections (DOC) if probation was a part of the sentence.  DOC will keep track of the balance owed and disburse money.  

If you have insurance coverage that is awarded, you will not receive the insurance money and restitution.  
 Victims’ Compensation Program
Office of the Attorney General
6 State House Station
Augusta, ME 

 The Victims’ Compensation Program provides financial reimbursement for losses
suffered by victim of a violent crime and their families.