Important Things To Know Before A Disaster
Disasters and emergencies can happen anywhere at any time. Taking steps to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property now is the best way to stay safe. Watch Important Things To Know Before A Disaster below.

Make A Plan
Start making your plan and your family's plan today. Emergencies and disaster's often come with no warning and your family may not be together when one strikes. Know who types of disasters can happen in your area and how you will respond to them. Common emergencies in Sagadahoc County include Extreme Temperatures, Flooding, Ice and Wind. Know what disasters and hazards could affect your area, how to get emergency alerts, and where you would go if you and your family need to evacuate. Make sure your family has a plan and practices it often. One of the most important aspects is knowing when an emergency is imminent or has happened. Sagadahoc County Emergency Management encourages everyone to sign up for CodeRED a free community alerting system. 

Consider things like:
  • How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?
  • What are our shelter and evacuation plans?
  • How will my family communicate during the emergency?
  • Do we have an emergency preparedness kit and is it up-to-date?
Make your plan specific for your family:
When planning think about the ages, medical needs, functional needs and dietary restriction in your family. What Cultural and Religious considerations are present? Visit Maine Emergency Management's Home Preparedness page for resources for your home and family!

Create your families plan:
When you sit down to figure all this out make sure that it makes sense to you and that it is relevant for your family. If you need assistance talk to your Local Emergency Manager or Sagadahoc County Emergency Management for resources and guidance.
Use the links below to find information and resources on preparing yourself and your family for emergencies. The National Weather Service offers up-to-date weather information as well as safety information. is a website for the National Public Safety campaign to empower and educate people to better prepare and respond to emergencies both man-made and natural.

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