Local Emergency Management Directors
By state law, each municipality is required to have an Emergency Management Director. These men and women coordinate local response and recovery when more than one department is responding to a community emergency. The Local Director does not replace or direct the police, fire, ambulance, or American Red Cross; he or she helps them work together in an emergency and acts as a liaison with the County Emergency Management Agency. You can contact your municipalities Local Director using the information listed below.

Arrowsic  Brian Carlton, LEM  Brian Carlton  
Bath Chief Lawrence Renaud  Chief Renaud  207-443-5034
Bowdoin  Chief Tom Garrepy   Chief Garrepy   207-319-8822
Bowdoinham  Chief Arthur Frizzle  Chief Frizzle  207-666-3505
Georgetown  Christopher Wilcoxson  Christopher Wilcoxson  207-650-2920
Phippsburg  Christopher Mixon, LEM  Christopher Mixon  
Richmond  Chief Stephen Caswell  Chief Caswell   207-737-8821
Topsham  Chief Chris Mclaughlin  Chief Mcluaghlin  207-725-7581
West Bath  Chief Jon Beane   Chief Beane  207-449-2669
Woolwich  Chief Shaun Merrill  Chief Merrill  207-443-3589 ext 109

Basic Emergency Manager Training Program
Maine Basic Emergency Manager (BEM) is a program that is intended to provide a "basic training" curriculum for local EMA Directors or those that aspire to enter the field of Emergency Management. This training is a combination of online and classroom courses and workshops. Upon completion of each level the respective County Emergency Manager will recognize the student with a completion certificate from the Maine Emergency Management County Director's Council.
  1. Student completes all required training courses as listed on curriculum guidance and requests recognition from County EMA Director.
  2. County EMA Director reviews student checklist and verifies completion of level.
  3. County EMA Director provides appropriate level of recognition, including certificate, and passes information onto the Maine Emergency Management County Directors Council (MEMCDC) professional development chairperson to be entered into the statewide database, managed by the council. 
  4. Only when these benchmarks have been met would the student then be able to use the credentials of MBEM or MBEM-2. The MEMCDC is in the process of obtaining a service-mark for these credentials to ensure this. 
Level - 1 Director Orientation  
Independent Study  
IS-559  Local Damage Assessment
IS-700 Introduction to NIMS
IS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System
IS-230 Fundamentals of Emergency Management
IS-800 National Response Framework
Interactive Training  
County Workshop Emergency Operations & Reporting
County Workshop Damage Assessment & Reporting
Level - 2 Practical Application  
Classroom or Combo Online/Group Session  


Basic EOC Function AND Participate in a in actual event/exercise at county level EOC activation

ICS/EOC Interface


Emergency Planning WITH Copy of written Emergency Operations Plan

Emergency Planning with a copy of written Emergency Operations Plan
IS-120 Introduction to Exercises OR HSEEP preferred AND  participation in an exercise
IS-703 NIMS Resource Management
Interactive Training  
County Workshop Disaster Recovery
County Workshop SERC/LEPC Overview

The Certified Emergency Manager-Maine program is designed to ensure that emergency managers that are practicing in the State of Maine meet a certain level of experience, training and education and help to contribute to the further success of the profession in Maine.